And, January, 23 adalah birthday tokma - pun yang ke-40 (jangan marah tokma.. hahahha).. sebabnya, tokma sentiasa ceria dan gembira.. bahagia dan tenang bila bersembang dengannya..
Jom tokma and ULee, I treat both of you .. MEE UDANG!!.. yum yum... (no steak or lobster k..)
and... minum air KELAPA MUDA (and ULee... I know you love Ice Coffee, but, this is a MUST TRY... SEDAAAAPPPPP!!!.. hihihi - tak percaya??.. tanya tokma.. hahaha..)
AND.. I wish both of you a long life and much happiness with a lovely people around you who loves you so much and you love them very very very much..
(still deman selsema and batuk... NAK TIDOOOO rasanyaaa.... huhuhuhuhu)...
Alamak...sedapnya makanan tu, tokma memang suka air kelapa, yummy yummy..!! Dating ngan ULee lak tuh..happy sesangat nih. Tiny tak ikutkan...sebab tiny demam. Bagi can ler berdua2an ngan ULee.
Anyway tq. Banyak2lah rehat. Nanti melarat lak demam tuh. Semoga cepat semboh.
epy bday Uncle Lee n Tokma! :) enjoy~
Hehehe...kalau besday akak nanti nak treat betul2 tau...hahahhaa
Wah.. age start at 40.. hehehe takpe tokma & uncle.. forever 40 apa.. Happy birthday to both of u.. moga diberikan kesihatan yang baik dan pjg umur..
nak ucap selamat hari lahir juga.. dah terlepas kot hehe
Hello Kaktiny, Wow! Terima kaseh seribu, you made my day.
And I sure love that mee udang, tentu licin the plate, ha ha.
And Kaktiny, thank you for making my life a song with your kindness and fantastic lively humour.
Its lovely ladies like you that makes life worth living....not to mention make the moon rise an hour early, *wink*.
Love that cake, and yes, I was young once, today hati still remains at 35, ha ha....
Regrets I have, but too few to mention.
You stay young, hold that smile and have a pleasant week, Lee.
TOKMA > ambooiii tokma… nk deting berdua je eh.. kalau deting berdua ngan ULee.. takleh makan mee udang.. kena gi candle light dinner naik private jet dia.. hahaha.. gurau jer..
Selsema ngan batuk nih.. still tak sembuh2 lagi ni kak.. huhuhu..
Masy > aah.. semoga diorang enjoy besday diorang kan kan kan.. hihihi..
aNIe > amboii.. awalnya buat tuntutan… besday akak kan bulan 10… LAAAAMMMBAAATTTT lagi laaa…. Hahahahha..
iina > young at heart… hihihihi…
Zino > buleh jer ucap.. janji ikhlas… hihihi..
Uncle Lee > 35??... yes yes.. that’s you exact age… hihihihihi…. YOUNG AT HEART… always… that is you… hahaha…
Anyway.. your entry always make my day full of butterfly flying every inch of the heart.. love that.. thanks… keep in touch and you stay young okeh.. hihihi..
erm .. sedap nyer mee udang tu .. nak kumpul wet nak bw mak g makan sana r .. Tmn tu kat ner k.Tini?
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